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FAQ - Reiki Healing Therapy

FAQ - Reiki: FAQ

What is a Reiki treatment like?

The client, fully dressed, relaxes on a massage table. The practitioner’s hands are placed on or slightly above the body over the affected area. There is no manipulation of the skin or tissue. Reiki is not a massage.
Many individuals report feeling a tingling sensation, cold or heat, during a session. In some, chronic or acute pain can diminish or completely vanish. Sometimes allergies and other conditions completely disappear. It’s different for each person.
It’s important to remember that, whatever challenge we are experiencing, we did not get it ‘overnight’ and we are not likely to ‘recover overnight’. You may recover fully after 1 session or you may need several. It all depends on the severity of your situation and your body’s ability to freely absorb the healing energy.

Is Reiki a religious practice?

No, there is no dogma attached to Reiki.
You do not have to believe or subscribe to any form of religion to benefit from Reiki.

Reiki in general : Explained

Reiki is a holistic form of healing and works on Mind, Body and Spirit. It is a simple and natural healing method that uses the hands of the Reiki Practitioner to channel energy to another person. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibrations of the energy field in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are attached. 

This causes the negative energy to break apart. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens, heals and balances the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way. It works on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels at the same time. The term “healing” refers to the balancing of energy in the body so that it may heal itself. 

Reiki cleanses the body of built up toxins, relieves pain, soothes shock, calms the mind and emotions and accelerates the body's natural ability to heal itself, at the same time promoting a state of total relaxation and well-being.​

Reiki energy is channelled to the client through the hands of the Reiki practitioner, which are gently placed on or over the major chakra points of the body. Each Reiki treatment is unique, varies from person to person and can also vary from treatment to treatment. Most clients feel a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and surrounds them, some may feel heat, coolness or tingling and some may feel nothing at all but the energy will be working even if they are not aware of it. As the Reiki energy encourages the client to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings they experience a state of peace and well-being. While others find that a Reiki treatment helps them to go into a very deep relaxed state. It is not unusual for people to fall asleep during a treatment.

Sometimes a release of emotions can occur and tears will flow, or irritation or anger might appear or there may be a laugh of relief, or the client may fall asleep during a treatment.

Reiki energy is not controlled by the Practitioner; it has an intelligence of its own, and will flow to wherever in the body that it is most needed. It releases blocked energy, cleansing the body of toxins and works to create a state of balance. Each person is different and so Reiki can have different effects. With the release of toxins there may be slight side effects, which usually last for about three days. It is quite important to drink plenty of water. 

Sometimes there is an acceleration of the condition following a treatment, and this is a positive sign that the energy is working through the system. During a treatment or shortly afterwards, it is possible that ‘old’ conditions may re-emerge. This is because the moving energy is breaking down toxins, which will normally disappear quite quickly.

It is important to remember that Reiki can never harm. Each person draws exactly what he or she needs at that time.

Reiki does not conflict with traditional medicine, it supports and enhances it. It is very important to note that Reiki is NOT a substitute for traditional medicine.

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