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I had sprained my ankle very badly and was on crutches for a month. I was fed up and wanted my ankle back to normal and the pain to go away. I went to Body Bliss for a 20 minute appointment. The Therapist, Sinead, held her hands on my ankle. Her hands were extremely warm and I could feel an intense heat swirling around the whole time inside my leg. Like nothing I had ever experienced by touch from anyone else before. I knew right then that Sinead is genuine and very gifted. My gut told me that finally my ankle would be fixed. I got up after the treatment and NO JOKE, my ankle felt so much better already. The pain level had instantly reduced by about 70%. The following morning I didn’t even need any crutches at all. There was still a very small amount of pain there so I went for another appointment that day just to get that final bit of healing work completed. And so that was it. It took 2 sessions for my month long sprained ankle to be completely healed. Sinead thank you sincerely for the beautiful healing sessions. You are blessed with an amazing gift x

My dog had been limping for a full week. Before taking him to the vet I decided to take him to The Massage Lodge for Reiki Therapy. The therapist, Sinead, sat down on a sofa and Rascal climbed up on the sofa beside her. Sinead placed her hands on his sore leg for 10 minutes. In the middle of the treatment Rascal jumped down from the sofa and began walking around checking out the room. I was absolutely stunned and could not speak. He had NO limp. He was actually walking around with a perfectly fine leg again showing no signs of any pain or discomfort. After a week of constant limping, he was cured in 10 minutes. AMAZING gift to be able to do this kind of healing work.

I had started doing some weight lifting at the gym. Over time I began experiencing a tight knot near my right scapula. I continued to do the weights. The knot started to feel more sore as time went on. I quit the weights, knowing rightly they were making this tight knot worse on my back. I had this painful knot on my back for 1 ½ years and never seeked any help for it. Then I booked a Reiki session with The Massage Lodge. The healer, Sinead put her hands on the sore area for 20 minutes. I didn’t feel any relief initially. Sinead told me I will need a few short sessions to get this tightness to dissolve. I did all 4 treatments within the space of 10 days. I could feel a certain amount of relief the day after every treatment. After number 4 the painful knot was completely gone. What can I say, it was very impressive indeed what Sinead was able to do for me.

I had a few treatments for Reiki Therapy. I was doing Cobra pose during one of my Yoga sessions and overstretched my back too much. My back was very sore for 2 months and there was no way I could even attempt any yoga. I had 3 short Reiki sessions with Sinead within 1 week and my back was completely mended and back to normal. It was great to get back to yoga and no back pain. Thank you Sinead. You are a miracle worker and I really appreciate the work you do

I never had any trouble with headaches ever in my life. But suddenly one day, from nowhere my entire skull was throbbing in pain. This went on for 2 days. No presecription-free medication worked at all, not even the slightest relief. I had taken Paracetamol, Nurofen, Disprin, Ibuprofen. All I could do was lie down, I could hardly do any movement because my head was pounding so bad. I called Sinead and asked her to come to my house and do a treatment on me. She held her hands all over my head for 20 minutes. As soon as she was finished I didn’t feel any better at all. But then 20 minutes after that, my head completely cleared of all aches. The entire throbbing skull just suddenly stopped. It was so incredible. Sinead explained that every case and situation is different. Some healings are instant and some take a bit more time to integrate. What she did with her hands on me that day was nothing other than a Divine healing. Sinead is very blessed and gifted.

Lucky, our family dog was very poorly, lethargic and not eating out of the blue and we didn’t know what was wrong with him. I asked Sinead to call to our house to see if she could help whatever was wrong with him. Sinead arrived and sat down beside Lucky. She put her hands on him. After about 15 mins, Lucky got up and began happily wandering all around the place. He was suddenly very bright, happy, looking to be petted and went to his dish for something to eat. I don’t know what had been wrong with him but Sinead cured him anyway. It was mindblowing to watch a healing miracle happen before my eyes. Thank you Sinead for all your help xx

I used a new machine at the gym for strengthening leg muscles. Well after using it for a week, I really damaged my hamstrings. I must have been using the machine wrong or trying to lift too much weight on the machine. Oh my lord, my legs were in agony. I went to The Massage Lodge. The Therapist just had her hands all over my entire hamstrings for 30 minutes. The Therapist explained that because the hamstrings are a large area to be treated, I would need longer sessions of 30 minutes each. I had to have about 5 of these sessions to feel complete relief. Have to say, I did feel better the day after every treatment. I very highly recommend The Massage Lodge

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